Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

3 Subjects

Week 2 Assignment (4)

Week 2 Assignment (4)

Q The Story of (Insert Your Name) Read The Story of Timothy on page 91 in your text. Use it to help you begin thinking about writing your own story of uniqueness in a diverse world. In this three- to- four page (excluding title and reference page) paper, you will discuss the unique and diverse aspects of yourself as they relate to gender, age, religion, race, ethnicity, ability, class, and sexual orientation (GARREACS). • Explain “who you are” and what your experiences have been as they relate to the concept of diversity. Include any aspects reviewed in the first two weeks’ readings (Ch. 1,2,3,4, 6) that are relevant to YOU. • Assess your development in relation to the identity theories discussed in the readings. Which model applies the most to you? • Explain any historical, social/family, financial/economic, cultural, or political considerations that have specifically impacted you or your family in your development and in your ability to meet your own needs. • Summarize the impact of any programs or laws that help or hinder your ability to have the life you would like to have. • Explain how any of the diverse aspects of “who you are” have either been helpful or hindered your ability to obtain health or human services. Illustrate your points with any personal examples that are relevant. • Summarize with a focus on where you see the need to gain understanding and insight for future work with diverse others.

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As I have mentioned earlier that I am originally from New York but currently residing in Houston, Texas. It is due to my profession and other involvements that I get to meet so many different types of people and also get to know them very closely. It is actually astonishing to note how people have built their personalities depending on the cultural backgrounds that they are from. I am an U.S. armed forces Veteran but apart from that I like to keep myself busy which is why I work as a part-time uber driver, juvenile officer and also as a teaching assistant in a special education school. It is quite apparent from my professions that I have got an eye for diversity as all the jobs are very different from each other.